From 2017 to 2021, Our Social Networks worked to:

  • capture and preserve the heritage of people with a learning disability, a voice often absent from heritage and society more generally;
  • improve understanding of, and support for, friendships and relationships for people with learning disabilities, by collecting and sharing their oral histories around this theme;
  • enhance inclusion and access in the heritage sector;
  • provide employment and create models of support for adults with learning disabilities

The project collected 40 oral histories around friendships and relationships from 59 people, most of whom were adults with learning disabilities.

Our findings for social care

The oral histories we collected told us a great deal about the barriers and good practice people with a learning experienced when being supported to have friendships or intimate relationships.

We have produced some written and video reports that explain what the oral histories told us, and what we think needs to change within social care to make things better.

Click opposite to download our report 'A Life More Ordinary'.

Friends Steve and Janice at Cardiff Central Station trainspotting.

Who We Are

'Who We Are' is our animation based on the experience of those who shared their oral history. Storytelling can help build empathy, make use feel better about ourselves and develop a sense of identity. Oral history is one kind of storytelling but there are many kinds.

It's an animation produced by students at Cardiff Metropolitan University that explains why storytelling is the best way to support people with a learning disability.

Top Tips for Museums

Here are our top tips for museums to become more accessible for people with a learning disability.

Produced by students at Cardiff Metropolitan University that explains why storytelling is the best way to support people with a learning disability.

Our Social Networks Film

BAFTA-Cymru winning director, Clare Sturges (Charlie Mackesy: The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, the Horse and Me, The Arborist) directed this short film featuring some of the project participants.

They speak about the meaning and importance of friendship, love and romance.

Mencap Cymru Our Social Networks Film

Accessible report

We have also created this accessible version of our report.

Our Social Networks Evaluation

You can read our final, comprehensive report here:  (English Only)


A man with down's syndrome and a woman with a learning disability cuddling.

Our Funders

Our funders logos